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{ "status": "ok", "types": { "A1": { "cost": 20 }, "A2": { "cost": 100 }, "B1": { "cost": 50 }, "B2": { "cost": 75 }, "C1": { "cost": 25 } }, "date_updated": "2023-02-14 12:07:18" }
{ "status": "ok", "amount": 656709.25, "lenders": "24" }
{ "status": "ok", "previous_loan_status": "Live - Performing", "new_loan_status": "Declined - Auto-Filters" }
{ "status": "ok", "previous_loan_type": "B2", "new_loan_type": "A1" }
200 OK
"status": "ok",
"loan_url": "https://plend.co.uk/personal-loan?aff_loan_id=8x9cmaw9ev",
"loan_amount": 5000,
"loan_term": 12,
"APR_fixed": 22.51,
"APR_displayed": 24.99,
"monthly_repayment": 469.2,
"total_repayment": 5630.4,
"eligibility": 55
400 Bad Request - Using of GET request instead of POST
"status": "error",
"error": "This method should use HTTP POST request"
400 Bad Request - Missing or empty 'userkey'
"status": "error",
"error": "No user key found! Please generate one with the UserKey method"
400 Bad Request - Invalid 'userkey'
"status": "error",
"error": "Malformed UserKey, please generate a new one"
400 Bad Request - empty 'email'
"status": "error",
"error": "'email' should be provided"
400 Bad Request - invalid 'loan_amount' value
"status": "error",
"error": "'loan_amount' should be integer between £1000 and £10000 with £500 step"
401 Unauthorized - Invalid or empty 'apikey'
"status": "error",
"error": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"
403 Forbidden - user didn't have required capabilities ('use_plend_api', or 'loan_manager') to access API method
"status": "error",
"error": "Access denied"
{ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "accept": "*/*" }
{ "apikey" : "75674a89f885e5677ce756c75677", "userkey" : "user%7C1706933880%7Ced9a8c3837273c78145d728", "loan_amount" : "2500", "loan_term" : "24", "email" : "borrower@gmail.com", "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "dob" : "31-12-1990", "phone" : "123456790", "post_code" : "AL11EA", "town" : "London", "street" : "Street Name", "building_no" : "1", "building_name" : "Building Name", "flat" : "2", "prev_post_code" : "AL22EA", "prev_town" : "Leeds", "prev_street" : "Prev Street Name", "prev_building_no" : "3", "prev_building_name" : "Prev Building", "prev_flat" : "4", "home_status" : "18", "employment_status" : "15", "employer" : "Employer Name", "income" : "50000", "loan_purpose" : "other", "loan_purpose_details" : "I need a loan for...", "utm_source" : "meta", "email_subscription" : "1", "mortgage" : "1", "joint_mortgage" : "1", "email_subscription" : "0", "affiliate_loan_id" : "1234567890" }
200 OK
"status": "ok",
"borrower_id": 123456,
"borrower_name": "John Doe",
"loan_id": 123456,
"loan_term": 24,
"loan_amount": 3500,
"loan_rate": 0,
"loan_status": "Submitted - Pending Review",
"monthly_repayment": 145.83,
"total_repayment": 3499.92
400 Bad Request - Using email address not registered on the site
"status": "error",
"error": "Borrower with provided 'email_address' not found"
400 Bad Request - Using email address of borrower, who already have live/pending loan application or haven't connected his bank account
"status": "error",
"error": "Loan application can be created only for borrowers, who already have a closed/declined/cancelled loan"
{ "status": "ok", "date_from": "", "date_to": "", "utm_source": "", "limit": 100, "url_clicks": [ { "link": "https://plend.co.uk/personal-loan/?aff_loan_id=4a7e92d8e3", "date_created": "2024-01-20 06:02:21", "date_clicked": "2024-01-20 06:03:42", "utm_source": "creditkarma80", "app_id": 0 }, { "link": "https://plend.co.uk/personal-loan/?aff_loan_id=et2gi0hong", "date_created": "2024-01-19 23:34:03", "date_clicked": "2024-01-19 23:36:18", "utm_source": "totallymoney80", "app_id": 320657 }, }
{ "status": "ok", "borrower_id": 45678, "loan_id": 123456, }